Sunday, January 3, 2016

Bahia Honda

One of my favorite places in the Florida Keys is Bahia Honda State Park.  This was not the first time I had been there but the longest amount of time I had spent there.  The park is small, about 500 acres, and quiet but perfect for a day at the beach and a little exploring.

I took my bike with me and pulled it out when I first got there to get a better feel for the area and to try it out in a safe place since I hadn't ridden it in a couple of years.  It's true you never forget how to ride a bike but it is a little shaky when you first get on it again.  The speed limit is low and there are so few cars that you can take the main road from tip to tip of the park (about 3.5 miles) and have a nice, leisurely ride.  I walked up to the old bridge that use to be a part of the Henry Flagler railroad built in 1912 and was severely damaged in the 1930s by a hurricane, never to be repaired again.  It's a beautiful contrast to the backdrop of the vivid blues and greens of the ocean water below it and the old dilapidated bridge above the water. 

The beach was the real reason for my visit.  A little R&R, just me, my beach chair, a good book and a stunning view.  Walking down away from the parking lot and towards the old bridge made for a slightly quieter, more private part of the beach, making me feel like I had discovered my own little piece of paradise.  It's my favorite kind of lazy Saturday where the only worries are if the tide is coming too close and if I've put enough sunscreen on. 

I made it a point to stay until the sunset. The first few weekends I was in the Keys there was a lot of rain and I didn't get to enjoy much of the outdoor fun that the area is known for.  The sunset did not disappoint!  Full of vivid colors as it sunk into the horizon over the water.

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