Friday, December 29, 2017


2017 was an interesting year for me.  It got off to a slow start when I was more than half way to California to start a job and the job was cancelled on me.  I continued on to California to regroup and look for another job and spent a month adventuring around the state.  On one of my adventures I met an amazing man who happened to live not far from where I had found my next job.  We dated, fell in love and continued on adventures around the state.  Eventually my heart was broken and I made my way back home to my sunshine state and to soak up some time with family and friends.

In 2016, I made a vow to see two of my oldest friends in 2017 and I am proud to say that I accomplished those goals.  I traveled to Montana to see my preschool best friend get married to her love and I spent time in NYC seeing another friend I have known since middle school.  There is nothing quite like old friends who keep you grounded and love and support you through life's events.  Even though we cannot be there every day, I always know they are just a phone call away but there is no substitute for seeing them in person.

I sharpened new skills as a physical therapist and broaden my horizons by working in a new field within my field as a home health physical therapist.  It led me to meeting new people from different walks of life who were often at one of the lowest points in their life and dependent on me and my colleagues to help get them back to health.  Not only did I stretch my boundaries as a physical therapist but I also learned to parallel park while working in the Bay area which is no small feat and one of my proudest accomplishments of the year.  Seriously... I was that bad at it before.

I spent a significant portion of my time in California outside.  Exploring the ocean side, the desert and the many National Parks.  I have always known how much I love the ocean but I was pleasantly surprised how much I loved the desert and especially Death Valley as well.  I stood next to trees that I never imagined could be that tall, I watched whales surface so close to me that I could hear the breath they took, I explored small river towns around Sacramento that I never knew existed, I snowshoed, I learned to eat at a nice restaurant by myself, I ocean kayaked for the first time, I walked over the Golden Gate bridge, I got up before the sunrise to see the mass ascension of over 50 hot air balloons in Reno, and had so many other amazing experiences.

The year was filled with some very high highs and some very low lows and I am moving into 2018 full of hope and looking forward to new challenges and experiences.  I am super excited that I will be starting the New Year in Maui, Hawaii and cannot wait to find out how I will grow in experiences and as a therapist in the coming year!  Stay tuned!


  1. This was beautiful! I’m happy you had so many great experiences! More to come I’m sure! Love ya Suz!

  2. The best of luck to you Suzanne. MY wish for the New Year for you is to have all your wishes come true in 2018. Safe travels and I look forward to you writing about your new adventures in Hawaii
    Love ya, Mama Munyer
