Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday morning tea

When I first started the travel physical therapy thing, I headed to Key West for my first assignment and found a place to stay a little farther north on the island of Cudjoe Key where I rented a house on the canal.  Every Saturday morning, I sat on the back porch drinking my morning cup of tea and watching iguanas  bask in the sunlight in the bushes.  If I walked down to the water I would see fish swimming and even saw a manatee and I thought to myself, you better not get use to this because there is no way that you will ever be able to top this view.

My next assignment was in Ft. Myers and I rented a condo on the 8th hole of a golf course that had two lakes on either side of the hole.  I would drink my Saturday morning tea while watching the alligator float in the little lake, turtles would sun themselves next to the lake (and far from the alligator's jaws), egrets would stalk their fishy breakfast along the outskirts of the lake and I would listen to golfers alternately cheer that they had missed the water trap or curse when the ball settled its way on the bottom of the lake.  Both of which gave me a good giggle, and I thought how did I get so lucky a second time to get to live in a really beautiful place.

In California, I sipped my Saturday morning tea in places all over the state with a view of the man that I loved while excitedly discussing whatever was to be the adventure of the day.  How could it get any better than that?

Now I am sure this view could never be beat!  I wake every Saturday morning, fix my cup of tea while I look for whale spouts out in the Hawaiian ocean and excitedly anticipate whatever show they decide to put on for the morning.  Whether it is the graceful rise and fall of their backs while they glide through the ocean, baby following close behind its mama or vice versa, or watching the massive animal launch itself into the air in a breach, or the whale tail flip up as the whale descends into a deeper dive all while I listen to the ocean waves lap the shore and the sound of palm fronds being rustled by the breeze.  This view is incredible and every day, I am more and more amazed and in wonderment of how I got here and got this lucky.

So... Massachusetts... you are on deck and you have a lot to live up to!  Let's see what you got.