I finally made it to New Hampshire for a little sight seeing! This was my first time in the state and while only a small part of it touches the sea, I was able to check out a bit of the coast. The Isle of Shoals is made up of a few small islands that were home to cod fisherman through the 1700s-mid-1800s and now consist of a few summer homes. The Maine-New Hampshire state border cuts right through the middle of the islands but I visited Star Island which is on the New Hampshire side. The Oceanic Hotel is located on the island that is about a 6 mile boat ride from the mainland. I lucked out with a beautiful, sun shining, low to mid 70s, perfect weather day. The tour left out of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and drifted past a couple of lighthouses and other historical sights on its way out to the islands. I even saw a seal pop his head up out of the water near the boat and swim by.

Once we reached the island we had about an hour to explore. There were guided tours that explained some of the history which I joined for part of the tour but realized I wouldn't have enough time to explore on my own if I stayed for the whole thing. There were gorgeous views and the water was sparkling and clear from every angle. There was a seagull nesting ground as well and I was surprised to realize that all the time that I have spent near the water in my life that I do not think I have ever seen a seagull chick! All in all it was a great, relaxing day to a new place and a new experience.
The Oceanic Hotel from the water
The boat that brought us to the island
Seagull chick